Anthony Yin, RMT, R.Ac
After immigrating
to Canada, Anthony took a two years massage program and became Registered Massage Therapist after successfully
passing the Board exam.
During treatment
I use Swedish techniques, deep tissue techniques, myofascial techniques,
trigger point therapy, lymphatic drainage, frictioning, PNF stretching, and
joint mobilizations. During treatment I always make sure to work within the
comfort levels of my client and constantly check in with the pressure applied.
Seeing the results and how much I help my clients throughout their everyday
body stresses is greatly rewarding to me.
I enjoy working
with the clients to achieve their goals and help incorporate the home care
provided as best as possible to accommodate their everyday lifestyles.
I always have a
positive attitude and I am very enthusiastic to meet new people and learn new
skills while growing in this profession as a Massage Therapist.